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Nand to Tetris - Compiler II - Code Generation

· 11min

Techniques used:

Code Generation

Here is the roadmap:

compiler roadmap

Our objective is to build a full scale compiler. We will do this by extending the syntax analyzer and adding code generation abilities.

We will compile one class at a time and deal with:

Our challenges will include:

That means, expressing the above semantics in VM code.

Handling Variables

sum = x * (1 + rate)

The code generator will take this expression and translate it into VM code.

(pseudo VM code)

push x
push 1
push rate
pop sum

But, the VM language does not have symbolic variables. It only has things like local, argument, this, that, and so on. We need to map the symbolic variables onto these virtual memory segments. We need to know (among other things):

(actual VM code, making arbitrary assumptions about the variable kinds)

push argument 2
push constant 1
push static 0
call Math.multiply 2
pop local 3

Variable properties:

This bundle of variable properties must be maintained for every variable. How would we do this? Well, I’m here to tell you that all we need is a symbol table.

Symbol Tables

class Point {
  field int x, y;
  static int pointCount;

  method int distance(Point other) {
    var int dx, dy;
    let dx = x - other.getx();
    let dy = y - other.gety();
    return Math.sqrt((dx*dx)+ (dy*dy));
  // ...

But, there’s something special about the distance method. We can see three variables, one argument and two local variables. We would stop there if it was a static method! But, it’s a class method. Which means, it operates on the current object. So, this object is always represented using the variable this. So there would be an implicit argument, this.

Handling Expressions


prefix notation (functional)

infix notation (human oriented)

postfix notation (stack oriented)

The compiler has to translate from infix to postfix. This is because most high-level source languages are infix: Java, Pascal, Python, C#, C, and more. Our target language, VM code, is postfix.

Two-stage Approach

two stage approach

  1. Source code -> parse tree (parser which generates it in XML from our last blog post)
  2. Go through each node in a certain order (depth first tree traversal) and generate stack-machine code. This is where you go all the way down a tree, and when you hit a terminal leaf, you process it. Then you backtrack to the closest node and continue that process.

One-stage Approach

This would involve not creating the entire parse tree as a side effect of code generation. We can generate the VM code on the fly. It will take an expression, and generate code from it. This recursive algorithm will be equipped to take in any infix expression and convert it into VM code.

Note, variables are dictated by the symbol table and how they’re mapped to the virtual segments.

x + g(2,y,-z) * 5

(pseudo code for the compiler)

  if exp is a number n:
    output "push n"

  if exp is a variable var:
    output "push var"

  if exp is "exp1 op exp2":
    output "op"

  if exp is "op exp":
    output "op"

  if exp is "f(exp1, exp2, ...)":
    codeWrite(exp2), ...,
    output "call f"

(output VM code)

push x
push 2
push y
push z
call g
push 5

From parsing to code generation

In the previous blog post we wrote a tokenizer and parser.

(Source Hack code)

let length = Keyboard.readInt("HOW MANY NUMBERS? ");

Parsed code according to grammar:

  <keyword> let </keyword>
  <identifier> length </identifier>
  <symbol> = </symbol>
      <identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
      <symbol> . </symbol>
      <identifier> readInt </identifier>
      <symbol> ( </symbol>
            <stringConstant> HOW MANY NUMBERS?  </stringConstant>
      <symbol> ) </symbol>
  <symbol> ; </symbol>

Now, we need to turn this into stack based VM code. Going forward, we have no use for that XML parsed output. We need to replace that with a program that takes these pieces of grammar and translates them into its stack based VM code equivalent.

Handling Flow of Control

Our VM language has knowledge of goto if-goto and label. The challenge we face is that we’re going to have to translate or re-express the semantics of high level Jack code to the VM language.

High level code (binary search for calculating the square root of x):

let low = 0;
let high = x;
while ((high - low) > epsilon) {
  let mid = (high + low) / 2;
  if ((mid * mid) > x) {
    high = mid;
  else {
    let low = mid;
while (expression) {
  if (expression) {
  else {

Compiling if statements

Source code:

if (expression)

Surprisingly, if we negate our expression, it becomes much easier to write in VM language. If the negation is true, we go to statement 2, if the negation is false we go to statement1 (because without the negation it’d be true).

VM code:

compiled (expression)
if goto L1
compiled (statements1)
goto L2
label L1
  compiled (statements2)
label L2

Compiling while statements

Source code:

while (expression)

VM code:

label L1
  compiled (expression)
  if goto L2
  compiled (statements)
  goto L1
label L2

Minor compilications

A program can contain many if and while statements. Our solution to this is that the generated labels by the compiler will be unique.

Also, if and while statements can be nested. The level of nesting is theoretically infinite. This is also handeled by our compiler’s recursive strategy!

Handling Objects: Low-level Aspects

We’re bridging the gap with our compiler from high-level to mid-level programs.

Memory segments

The VM implementation deals with mapping onto the host RAM by looking at the RAM in a very specific way. We have virtual memory segments that get mapped onto it like the following image:

memory segments

The first 5 words in the RAM are used as very important pointers that hold the current values of the stack pointer, the base address of the local segment, argument segment, and so on. All these segments belong to the current VM function that is currently running.

The VM implementation also allocates RAM for the global stack. This keeps the working stack of the currently running function as well as the working stacks and memory segments of functions that are waiting for the current function to terminate (functions on the calling chain).

Applying handling object and array data

So, how do we use this architecture to represent objects’ and arrays’ data? It’s similar but slightly different.

Firstly, we use a different area on the RAM altogether call the heap.

heap vs stack

On the heap we record all the data of objects and arrays of the current program seeks to manipulate. These are managed using the this and that segments using pointer. But, we need to tell the system to which object we are referring.

Handling Objects: Construction

var Point p1;
let p1 = Point.new(2,3);
class Point {
  constructor Point new(...)

When we define the variable p1, it will map it on some location on the stack where its value is initialized to 0. Then, when we call the constructor, that 0 on the stack will be changed to point to the base address of the object proper on the heap.

object creation

Compiling constructors

A constructor typically does two things:

How to access the object’s fields:

compiling constructors

Handling Objects: Manipulation

Compiling method

Ultimately, the target machine language is procedural. So, the compiler needs to rewrite the OO method calls in a procedural style. The object is always treated as the first, implicit argument.


obj.foo(x1, x2, ...)


distance(p1, p2)
foo(obj, x1, x2, ...)

compile methods

After, the pseudo code for the compiled caller would look something like:

push p1
push p2
call Point.distance
push d

Compiling void methods

compile void methods

Handling Arrays

Array construction

var Array arr;
let arr = Array.new(5);

After reading var Array arr there will be no code generated. This only effects the symbol table. Then, after constructing the array with let arr = Array.new(5), from the caller’s perspective it’s handled exactly like object construction.


this and that are two “portable” virtual memory segments that can be aligned to different RAM addresses. For our use, this will represent the values of the current object. Then that represents the values of the current array.

Note, pointer is another virtual memory segment which only has two entries. The first represents THIS and the second entry represents THAT.

Array access

// arr[2] = 17
push arr // base address
push 2 // offset
pop pointer 1 // store address in THAT pointer
pop that 0
// arr[expression1] = expression2
// a[i] = b[j]
push a
push i
push b
push j
add         // state 1
pop pointer 1
pop temp 0  // state 2
pop pointer 1
push temp 0 // state 3
pop that 0

Standard Mapping Over the Virtual Machine

Files and subroutines mapping

Variables mapping

Arrays mapping

Compiling subroutines

Compiling subroutine calls

Compiling constants

OS classes and subroutines

The basic Jack OS is implemented as a set of compiled VM class files. All the OS class files must reside in the same directory as the VM files generated by the compiler. Any VM function can call any OS VM function for its effect.

Special OS services